The AUM Universal Studies Center is a non-profit, sociocultural civil association governed by private law, which brings together people willing to exercise their co-responsibility for the transformation of the planet and its health, through the exercise of transdisciplinary and innovation, exploring and revealing the unity between the different types of knowledge, aiming to study, research, produce and disseminate ideas, possibilities and services that integrate the fundamental knowledge: art, science and spirituality.
The CEU guides its actions and research according to some main axes:
1) Transdisciplinarity
2) Art and Consciousness
3) Planetary Scope Cultures
The main axes create a space for meeting and interacting with different ways of knowing, feeling and acting. It is the space of transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, which permeate all CEU projects.
Contribute to creating bridges between the production of knowledge and action, between theory and practice, between the local and the global, between the traditional and the modern.
Research, promote and disseminate the various cultural manifestations both in Brazil and around the world, revealing the rich and surprising diversity of cultural expressions and at the same time contributing to a universal vision of the human being.
To promote the formation of a planetary citizenship, developing the skills to deal with the complexity, transformations and diversity of the contemporary world.
Develop research and actions for the dissemination of a culture of peace, self-knowledge and respect for the complex diversity of the world.
Promotion of integrated human development through transdisciplinary actions and through the provision of services in education, health and culture;
Promotion of citizenship, social rights and environmental protection;
Non-profit experimentation of new organizational models and alternative systems of production, employment and income generation for community development;
Dissemination of educational, cultural and social activities, stimulating partnership, local dialogue and solidarity between different social segments, participating with other entities in activities aimed at common interests.
image: CCO, FOCA Stock stocksnap